Thursday, December 26, 2013

Paleo 2.0. Welcome to Resistance Starches -The Fart Zone

I used to be Paleo, but it left me behind at least 2 years ago.  Oh, I will never go back to eating grains, and I will always prefer grass fed, sustainable and organic.  I owe huge improvements to my health  to the Paleo movement.  With Paleo, I learned to use supplementation right, to eat foods that are nourishing and to always take care of my body, the right way.  Because of Paleo, I hardly ever get sick, I stopped hamster wheel spinning and only exercise right. The overall  quality of my life improved in so many very measurable ways, that I could be here all day just listing them.

And yet, anyone Paleo 2.0 will tell you, that I am not Paleo.  I only eat around 20 grams of carb per day.  I don't spouse the "food palatability" or whatever the "eat only bland food crowd" says is paleo.  I must certainly don't think that everything was right in the Paleolithic and everything wrong in the Neolithic. Dairy agrees with me, I love wine and coffee, and I still use sunblock, hair care products, and take shortcuts whenever I can.   Yes, I am lazy, and I do what I find through experimentation, that it works for me. Paleo to me is more of a template and less of a religion.

It really pisses me off seeing men that have not been overweight a day in their lives and have no professional experience helping the obese, the metabolically derange, the people that NEED to low carb to control their weight and their health.   This, so called Paleo experts, dish out advice that is damaging to their victims.  Sadly, their only incentive to do this is to distinguish themselves, so they can make money selling their brand of paleo.  They don't care about the outcomes of the fatty fatasses like me that cannot control their weight and get massive yeast infections when we carb up. They just want to sell a product, a book, some counselling. Heck, if people are still miserable, even better...They might stick around, buying more pills or more session with the "expert".

A part of me says "Well Ms Fatty Fatass...You fell for it.  You should have done better research, experiment on yourself. Realize you can't handle carbs and move on.  But no everyone has the touch of OCD that allows me to spend hours tirelessly reading science blogs till my curiosity is satiated. Lots of Fatty Macfatties just want to be able to trust a handsome man that calls himself an expert and appears to know what he is talking about.

At this point of my rant, I would like to discuss the latest, hippest thing in the Paleosphere. Resistance Starches.  Richard Nikolei is the biggest promoter of this potato product that is supposed to help regulated blood sugars. The catch is that it only really help diabetics that have poor blood sugar control and want to carb up. If you are eating a low carb diet and your blood sugar levels are already stable, it will do nothing but make you fart like crazy.  I know this both from personal experience as I tried this vile product and experience a horrible week of non stop farting and same old blood sugar levels; as well as, form reading the comments on Richard blog.

It is A TRIP to read the replies to Richard's post about RS... 90% of the post say the same thing: Started x time ago, farting a lot, have not yet experience any of the promised positive outcomes. He insults his subjects in his usual deranged manner and proceeds to inform them that the benefits of RS are invisible and farting non stop is perfectly normal and not to be talked about.

Lets say there is some evidence that RS is protective against  colon cancer. If  my options are to spend 30 years in intestinal pain and farting in order to avoid colon cancer...Sorry, but I chosen to take my chances with cancer.  Fuck that shit!...The best thing about low carbing is that I an no longer bloated and farting all the time.

Me? I will continue searching and implementing the things that work for me, as I would hope every other Fatty Buns is doing this  as well. Paleo has taken a weird turn...and I am off the wagon for the time being.  Maybe this are growing pains and the movement will find its center of sanity again, or maybe it jumped the shark.  I hope the former is the case, but the Richard's of the Paleo movement and their hungry pockets are doing their best to doom it.

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