I was listening to a morning radio show a few days ago. Celebrity gossip, usual morning rattle. The topic at hand was a statement made by the producers of the sitcom Friends. "There will be no Friends reunion show." The reason? The producer saidt hat in your twenties friends are your family but after that, we get married and form new families so friends are no longer needed.
The radio announcer was disappointed to find out there will be no reunion show, but not frazzle at all by the producers low opinion of friendships after marriage. While I don't have any statistical data to back me up, and I am too lazy to engage in the actual research, I will have to say that most people around my age in Orlando, share that opinion.
The only friends I have, I made in my youth. I have not made any lasting friendships since my twenties. I am very lucky that I have a friend I made in elementary school that lives close by. Without her, I would be completely friendless, in a sea of acquaintanceship.
Finding new girlfriends to hang out with? Mission impossible.
Most women my age are very involved in taking care of their families and have no interest in going out clubbing or parading around town doing goofy stuff. They are up for shopping trips. Everyone seems to love going to the mall to buy clothes for their children, but not much else.
I know I appear jaded and too "forever alone" for judging women that are very committed to their families, let me explain my perspective. I was that woman, for about 20 years. I am now essentially done with motherhood and not in a relationship. Even if I was in a relationship, I think that there is space in my life to go out with friends and hang as we did in our twenties.
I have every right to feel victimized by society here. At my age, I am expected to be put to pasture or to just concentrate on "my man." or my now adult children. In the absence of a man or children to toil about, I should be busy in the prowl, finding a man I can dote on. A cougar on the prowl, looking for fresh meat.
Women out hunting make awful hang out buddies. The not only will ditch you the moment they secure a victim, they are not out with the intention to have fun, but focused on the task at hang.