This is a self improvement exercise. I wish to be a better person. I will address my personality and health problems and document my progress in this blog.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Paleo 2.0. Welcome to Resistance Starches -The Fart Zone
I used to be Paleo, but it left me behind at least 2 years ago. Oh, I will never go back to eating grains, and I will always prefer grass fed, sustainable and organic. I owe huge improvements to my health to the Paleo movement. With Paleo, I learned to use supplementation right, to eat foods that are nourishing and to always take care of my body, the right way. Because of Paleo, I hardly ever get sick, I stopped hamster wheel spinning and only exercise right. The overall quality of my life improved in so many very measurable ways, that I could be here all day just listing them.
And yet, anyone Paleo 2.0 will tell you, that I am not Paleo. I only eat around 20 grams of carb per day. I don't spouse the "food palatability" or whatever the "eat only bland food crowd" says is paleo. I must certainly don't think that everything was right in the Paleolithic and everything wrong in the Neolithic. Dairy agrees with me, I love wine and coffee, and I still use sunblock, hair care products, and take shortcuts whenever I can. Yes, I am lazy, and I do what I find through experimentation, that it works for me. Paleo to me is more of a template and less of a religion.
It really pisses me off seeing men that have not been overweight a day in their lives and have no professional experience helping the obese, the metabolically derange, the people that NEED to low carb to control their weight and their health. This, so called Paleo experts, dish out advice that is damaging to their victims. Sadly, their only incentive to do this is to distinguish themselves, so they can make money selling their brand of paleo. They don't care about the outcomes of the fatty fatasses like me that cannot control their weight and get massive yeast infections when we carb up. They just want to sell a product, a book, some counselling. Heck, if people are still miserable, even better...They might stick around, buying more pills or more session with the "expert".
A part of me says "Well Ms Fatty Fatass...You fell for it. You should have done better research, experiment on yourself. Realize you can't handle carbs and move on. But no everyone has the touch of OCD that allows me to spend hours tirelessly reading science blogs till my curiosity is satiated. Lots of Fatty Macfatties just want to be able to trust a handsome man that calls himself an expert and appears to know what he is talking about.
At this point of my rant, I would like to discuss the latest, hippest thing in the Paleosphere. Resistance Starches. Richard Nikolei is the biggest promoter of this potato product that is supposed to help regulated blood sugars. The catch is that it only really help diabetics that have poor blood sugar control and want to carb up. If you are eating a low carb diet and your blood sugar levels are already stable, it will do nothing but make you fart like crazy. I know this both from personal experience as I tried this vile product and experience a horrible week of non stop farting and same old blood sugar levels; as well as, form reading the comments on Richard blog.
It is A TRIP to read the replies to Richard's post about RS... 90% of the post say the same thing: Started x time ago, farting a lot, have not yet experience any of the promised positive outcomes. He insults his subjects in his usual deranged manner and proceeds to inform them that the benefits of RS are invisible and farting non stop is perfectly normal and not to be talked about.
Lets say there is some evidence that RS is protective against colon cancer. If my options are to spend 30 years in intestinal pain and farting in order to avoid colon cancer...Sorry, but I chosen to take my chances with cancer. Fuck that shit!...The best thing about low carbing is that I an no longer bloated and farting all the time.
Me? I will continue searching and implementing the things that work for me, as I would hope every other Fatty Buns is doing this as well. Paleo has taken a weird turn...and I am off the wagon for the time being. Maybe this are growing pains and the movement will find its center of sanity again, or maybe it jumped the shark. I hope the former is the case, but the Richard's of the Paleo movement and their hungry pockets are doing their best to doom it.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Hysterectomies and female genital mutilation are so 19th century...Lets make mastectomies trendy now.
The news of the day was Angelina Jolie "brave" decision to have a double mastectomy as a measure to prevent breast cancer. I have seen already several articles praising her for this choice. Just in case you have been under a rock all day, I will fill you in now. Angelina wrote a piece that was posted on The New York Times. Link to NYT article.
I refuse to believe that I was the only one that is angry at the the implications of this article. Seeing that even very feminist blogs, such as Feministing is portraying her choice as wise and brave....Are you people fucking serious?
A very prominent celebrity writes an article about her decision to cut off her breast in order to prevent breast cancer and the media portraits this as the "brave" choice. She writes "I can tell my children that they don’t need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer." (because she cut off her breast). and "I do not feel any less of a woman. I feel empowered that I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes my femininity." Can you imaging a man writing. " I had my penis cut off, but I don't feel any less of a man for being a eunuch now",
This reminds me of the hysterectomy fever of the Victorian era. Remember when it was all the rage to have women's reproductive organs removed to cure depression, anxiety and "hysteria"? Just 50 years ago, women were still referred by their primary physicians to have hysterectomies "just in case".
Female genital mutilation is nothing new. I had hopes that maybe, just maybe, we were reaching a point, in western society where this type of cruel unnecessary surgery was no longer accepted by women.. But no, we just have moved the target. Now we have celebrities endorsing getting a $3,000 generic testing and a double mastectomy to "save our lives"
This was clearly a commercial piece to get women on board to pay for their test and their surgery, as this is the brave thing to do to save our lives. Let's all cut our tits off and prevent cancer!
Please, please, before you take this type of propaganda to heart, take a moment to do your own research. Please find out about the number of women with the BRCA gene that died form other causes. Contrary to what the gene tester peddlers tell you, this is not a death sentence. Even breast cancer is not a death sentence.
We should be angry! We should be demanding that the "pink ribbons" campaigners stop profiteering from our suffering. We should be demanding that actual research is founded. Research for prevention, no for more of the same trite shit we have seen for the last 20 years.
Enough is enough. We are not going to cut off our uterus, our ovaries or our breast. Being a woman is not a risk factor. I personally going to spend my money on some good quality food, plenty of rest and supporting the scientist and politicians that are looking up for my well being.
Fuck you Angelina Jolie and your cut off tits!
I refuse to believe that I was the only one that is angry at the the implications of this article. Seeing that even very feminist blogs, such as Feministing is portraying her choice as wise and brave....Are you people fucking serious?
A very prominent celebrity writes an article about her decision to cut off her breast in order to prevent breast cancer and the media portraits this as the "brave" choice. She writes "I can tell my children that they don’t need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer." (because she cut off her breast). and "I do not feel any less of a woman. I feel empowered that I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes my femininity." Can you imaging a man writing. " I had my penis cut off, but I don't feel any less of a man for being a eunuch now",
This reminds me of the hysterectomy fever of the Victorian era. Remember when it was all the rage to have women's reproductive organs removed to cure depression, anxiety and "hysteria"? Just 50 years ago, women were still referred by their primary physicians to have hysterectomies "just in case".
Female genital mutilation is nothing new. I had hopes that maybe, just maybe, we were reaching a point, in western society where this type of cruel unnecessary surgery was no longer accepted by women.. But no, we just have moved the target. Now we have celebrities endorsing getting a $3,000 generic testing and a double mastectomy to "save our lives"
This was clearly a commercial piece to get women on board to pay for their test and their surgery, as this is the brave thing to do to save our lives. Let's all cut our tits off and prevent cancer!
Please, please, before you take this type of propaganda to heart, take a moment to do your own research. Please find out about the number of women with the BRCA gene that died form other causes. Contrary to what the gene tester peddlers tell you, this is not a death sentence. Even breast cancer is not a death sentence.
We should be angry! We should be demanding that the "pink ribbons" campaigners stop profiteering from our suffering. We should be demanding that actual research is founded. Research for prevention, no for more of the same trite shit we have seen for the last 20 years.
Enough is enough. We are not going to cut off our uterus, our ovaries or our breast. Being a woman is not a risk factor. I personally going to spend my money on some good quality food, plenty of rest and supporting the scientist and politicians that are looking up for my well being.
Fuck you Angelina Jolie and your cut off tits!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Why is it so damned hard to find friends?
I was listening to a morning radio show a few days ago. Celebrity gossip, usual morning rattle. The topic at hand was a statement made by the producers of the sitcom Friends. "There will be no Friends reunion show." The reason? The producer saidt hat in your twenties friends are your family but after that, we get married and form new families so friends are no longer needed.
The radio announcer was disappointed to find out there will be no reunion show, but not frazzle at all by the producers low opinion of friendships after marriage. While I don't have any statistical data to back me up, and I am too lazy to engage in the actual research, I will have to say that most people around my age in Orlando, share that opinion.
The only friends I have, I made in my youth. I have not made any lasting friendships since my twenties. I am very lucky that I have a friend I made in elementary school that lives close by. Without her, I would be completely friendless, in a sea of acquaintanceship.
Finding new girlfriends to hang out with? Mission impossible.
Most women my age are very involved in taking care of their families and have no interest in going out clubbing or parading around town doing goofy stuff. They are up for shopping trips. Everyone seems to love going to the mall to buy clothes for their children, but not much else.
I know I appear jaded and too "forever alone" for judging women that are very committed to their families, let me explain my perspective. I was that woman, for about 20 years. I am now essentially done with motherhood and not in a relationship. Even if I was in a relationship, I think that there is space in my life to go out with friends and hang as we did in our twenties.
I have every right to feel victimized by society here. At my age, I am expected to be put to pasture or to just concentrate on "my man." or my now adult children. In the absence of a man or children to toil about, I should be busy in the prowl, finding a man I can dote on. A cougar on the prowl, looking for fresh meat.
Women out hunting make awful hang out buddies. The not only will ditch you the moment they secure a victim, they are not out with the intention to have fun, but focused on the task at hang.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Relationships are addictive
I was introduced to this concept by a post at the Google Plus Cynical Singles Community. At first, I was against it. After all, we are social animals, bonding is part of the human experience. However, after some thinking and evaluating my own experiences with relationships, I am beginning to think that there is some truth behind this statement.
I don't think I am addicted to love, but I have at times become addicted to relationships. I have fallen apart at the end of the relationships that I knew were already broken, I think that it is like gambling, or using physically addictive substances. Relationships gives us a lot of pleasure and we are hard wired to seek this pleasurable activities. The awful other side of the coin of this pleasurable addictive activities, is of course, the harsh withdrawal. Oh it hurts! Every minute of remembering how good it was, how much he is missed. I conveniently forget that for every pleasure filled moment, there were ten horrible moments.
Like a heroine addict whose life has been ruined by the drug addiction, I wishfully remember all the good moments and forget all the pain. Forget that this addiction is ruining my life. That the few minutes of blissfulness I would get form my drug, will not in any way make up for all the suffering that is causes me.
All addictions are hard to break, relationships are one of the hardest. Specially hard when the other person has not been cut out of my life completely,which would have speed up recovery in most cases. Thankfully, when a relationship was ended by the other party, relapse is not an option. Not being able to move on, living in a state of suspended animation, waiting for the person to change his mind...Even when I rationally realized it is not happening is the worst part of an ended relationship for me.
Even as I am certain that I am not going back, that I will not beg or cajole...Even as I know that we are not getting back together,that it is not actually happening, I fantasize of this scenario where I am beautiful and happy and my ex is trying now to persuade me to get back together. This has been the motivation of many women that have gone and improved their lives and their appearances in preparation for this mythical encounter. I guess if it is helpful, it can be part of the healing process.
We know enough about how to deal with addictions. There is the 12 steps for those that dig relenting to their higher power or whatever those guys are doing. How come we do not have relationship anonymous? It would be a wonderful tool for recently discarded women to get together and talk about their exes. The sponsor would be there, making sure we do not drunk call an ex or drive by his house. Even if one is not inclined to belief in higher power, the camaraderie and the sponsorship would be enough to make this a great resource.
Classical condition is very effective too. Making list of all the horrid things the ex did and making sure to not forget them. Focus on the negative.. Yes, that is advise one does not hear every day but very effective when trying to forget a loved one. Remember ever shitty thing he ever did, and soon you will forget the fond memories as well.
Either way it takes time, but it hurts a little bit less every day. One day, one realizes that the hurt is gone, that he is not obsessive thought number one. That other men are starting to look yummy. That live goes on.
Not becoming a crazy ex girlfriend is a very important task during recovery, regardless of the recover path chosen. It is easy to rationalize, in the mist of addiction that I could present my case better, he would understand the error of his ways and be back with me. This has not happened in the history of humanity. This is a sure path to become a crazy ex girlfriend. So forget it.. You can never argue your case, you cannot convince anyone that they should love you or be with you. And frankly, at this point, he is not worth it.
I don't think I am addicted to love, but I have at times become addicted to relationships. I have fallen apart at the end of the relationships that I knew were already broken, I think that it is like gambling, or using physically addictive substances. Relationships gives us a lot of pleasure and we are hard wired to seek this pleasurable activities. The awful other side of the coin of this pleasurable addictive activities, is of course, the harsh withdrawal. Oh it hurts! Every minute of remembering how good it was, how much he is missed. I conveniently forget that for every pleasure filled moment, there were ten horrible moments.
Like a heroine addict whose life has been ruined by the drug addiction, I wishfully remember all the good moments and forget all the pain. Forget that this addiction is ruining my life. That the few minutes of blissfulness I would get form my drug, will not in any way make up for all the suffering that is causes me.
All addictions are hard to break, relationships are one of the hardest. Specially hard when the other person has not been cut out of my life completely,which would have speed up recovery in most cases. Thankfully, when a relationship was ended by the other party, relapse is not an option. Not being able to move on, living in a state of suspended animation, waiting for the person to change his mind...Even when I rationally realized it is not happening is the worst part of an ended relationship for me.
Even as I am certain that I am not going back, that I will not beg or cajole...Even as I know that we are not getting back together,that it is not actually happening, I fantasize of this scenario where I am beautiful and happy and my ex is trying now to persuade me to get back together. This has been the motivation of many women that have gone and improved their lives and their appearances in preparation for this mythical encounter. I guess if it is helpful, it can be part of the healing process.
We know enough about how to deal with addictions. There is the 12 steps for those that dig relenting to their higher power or whatever those guys are doing. How come we do not have relationship anonymous? It would be a wonderful tool for recently discarded women to get together and talk about their exes. The sponsor would be there, making sure we do not drunk call an ex or drive by his house. Even if one is not inclined to belief in higher power, the camaraderie and the sponsorship would be enough to make this a great resource.
Classical condition is very effective too. Making list of all the horrid things the ex did and making sure to not forget them. Focus on the negative.. Yes, that is advise one does not hear every day but very effective when trying to forget a loved one. Remember ever shitty thing he ever did, and soon you will forget the fond memories as well.
Either way it takes time, but it hurts a little bit less every day. One day, one realizes that the hurt is gone, that he is not obsessive thought number one. That other men are starting to look yummy. That live goes on.
Not becoming a crazy ex girlfriend is a very important task during recovery, regardless of the recover path chosen. It is easy to rationalize, in the mist of addiction that I could present my case better, he would understand the error of his ways and be back with me. This has not happened in the history of humanity. This is a sure path to become a crazy ex girlfriend. So forget it.. You can never argue your case, you cannot convince anyone that they should love you or be with you. And frankly, at this point, he is not worth it.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Project 150 x 45
Project summary:
To weight 150 lbs by my 45th birthday.
I have been overweight most of my life, with ups and downs, as most of us fatties live our lives. I found low carb after reaching my highest weight of 225 in 2001. I have been able to lose around 50 lbs and maintain an stable weigh and good health since my low carb journey started.
Had I not found low carb at that point in my life, I think by now I would be morbidly obese and very sick, as I was in the fast track, gaining about 10 lbs per year and plagued by allergies, migraine headaches, and working my way into diabetes.
Let me break the flow here to do a shut out to Dr. Atkins and Gary Taubes, the men that gave me my health back. To Jimmy Moore, for giving me the missing piece of the puzzle, with his latest nutritional ketosis experiment. Also, Reddit/r/keto for inspiring me to stay on track with all the great success stories.
I am healthy and comfortable at 175 lbs. If I did not lose one more pound, I would be at peace. I am not thin, heck, I am still obese by BMI. However, I am in good health and I can buy clothes at regular stores. I even get a decent amount of men attention. I actually though that I was not going to be able to drop any more weight. I have been at the same weight range for years now, and had accepted my fate.
When Jimmy Moore stated writing about his n=1 nutritional ketosis experiment and reporting in his weight lost, I got excited and also dropped the amount of protein in my diet. I was shocked about how fast my weight started going down. Even with my last diet style, that includes daily wine drinking and eating out at least once a week. Now that I realize, if I control the carbs AND the protein, I can achieve weight lost.
This is doable. This is happening. After a life time of being "that fat woman" I could be normal weight. I could be attractive and buy the cute clothes that are not made for my current size.
I am now, very focus in this project. In my dream of reaching the land of normal weight.
To achieve this dream, I have decided on the following steps:
1. Continue a diet that is very low carb, moderate protein and portion controlled diet.
2. Intermittent Fasting, for now in a free, when it happens manner. Maybe, I will add more structure in the future.
3. Gym. Yes boys and girls, I have officially signed up at the gym. Since I am hopping for a big change, rather quickly, I have added exercise to the mix.
By the time I reach 45, I wont be normal weigh. I however can, be overweight instead of obese. I will crank up my efforts for the next 5 weeks to get my weight down as much as I can. After that, I will probably step back and return to my easy current pace of weigh loss. My target now, is 125 lbs. Dare I dream that? Yes, I do.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Project Declinging, day 1.
This is the official start of project Declinging
In 6, weeks, I will celebrate my 45th birthday. As an introverted, working single mother, involved in other pursuits, I have not had an active dating life. I have however, managed to leave a sequence of failed relationships in my wake.
Some, I am glad I left behind. Some, however, I totally regret losing. One, I will especially miss.
I was married once, but I have generally been single all my life. One common denominator of all my past relationships is that I have never been able to stay in one for longer than six months.
It would be naive to try to find a common reason for all my relationship failures. For project Declinging, I will specifically address one of the reasons as to why my latest relationship failed.
I have a personality which is prompt to anxiety, obsessive compulsiveness and what most people would describe as quite a 'intense' personality. "What a charming combo!" You would say. To you I say "Shut the fuck up."
What no man seems to find attractive or charming is my neediness and clinginess. When in a relationship, I feel the need to be told that I am loved and needed constantly. In other words, I need a stalker.
A normal healthy man that loves me gets exhausted quickly by my constant demands of evidence of their devotion. My regular dissecting his every action, his every word, to find proof that he no longer loves me, has proven to be a quick and lethal relationship killer. Fuck, I get tired of myself at times!
This is a complex problem. This is not a behavior that could be addressed by simply not behaving in a clingy manner. This is rooted in a deep need for validation, driven by emotion; and so far, has only brought about insecurity and anxiety. I feel that in order to have a shot at maintaining happier and longer lasting relationships, I must address the cause of the problem.
Step 1 of my project was to start this blog, to document my progress. I will use this blog as a vehicle for whatever else I need to address as I need a way to discuss my concerns without overwhelming my loved ones.
Step 2 is to start my research on the subject. I will get good books and sites on the subject, and I will document my findings in this blog.
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